Ekofiltr s.r.o. Divnice 134
763 21 Slavičín - Prům. areál
IČ: 42144521
DIČ: CZ42144521
Phone Monday - Friday 6-14 hour: +420 577 341 305
Contact Us ekofiltr@ekofiltr.cz Contact Form
Managing Director Ing. Jan Berger berger@ekofiltr.cz +420 723 357 125
Managing Director David Münster david@ekofiltr.cz +420 603 101 614
Business Manager Ing. Michal Doubek doubek@ekofiltr.cz +420 606 866 013
Financial Manager Ing. Martina Lysáčková lysackova@ekofiltr.cz +420 739 296 183
Human Resources Svatava Slámečková slameckova@ekofiltr.cz +420 603 798 012
Production Manager Bc. Tomáš Škrabálek skrabalek@ekofiltr.cz +420 737 226 071
Technologist / Product Specialist Filip Staněk filip@ekofiltr.cz +420 604 253 742
Sales representative Bronislav Münster bronek@ekofiltr.cz +420 605 039 312
Back office - receipt of orders HEPA Jana Miklasová jana@ekofiltr.cz +420 731 615 791
Back office - receipt of orders Martina Majeriková martina@ekofiltr.cz +420 604 433 844
Invoicing Gabriela Zvonková gabriela@ekofiltr.cz +420 731 484 524
Purchase Officer Ivana Papírková nakup@ekofiltr.cz +420 739 270 611
Prague office, Climacenter building Pocernicka 272/96, Prague 10 - Malesice Petr Dufek dufek@ekofiltr.cz +420 733 651 799
Sales representative Jan Kallista kallista@ekofiltr.cz +420 739 573 962

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